Once naturally awakened to the spiritual heart, the intelligence of creation informs us of our innate wisdom for the wholeness of life; deep inner peace, harmony, vibrancy, compassion, deep appreciation, kindness, and joyfulness — for no reason.
The Spiritual Heart is our pure essential, and ultimate nature, our true self.
Named the Supreme Self, Atman, in the yogic tradition, means the Supreme Consciousness and ultimate knowledge of everything there is of both inner and outer dimensions of our essential being.
The Spiritual Heart connects us with oneness, the greater intelligence of life and existence. It is the background source or state beyond all states of sentient beings that weave the web of life with one flowing thread of wisdom.
The spirit of the heart invites us to open receptivity to the very core of existence, to feel life's pulse, and "feel the heartbeat of every moment of life, to know, intuitively, the eternal dimension of every moment." ~ Hridaya Yoga
This invitation asks we slow down time to penetrate its subtle realm to merge and absorb its essence for natural integration in and through our lives. Evoking the heart's energy by developing more intimacy for direct experience of its revelation opens and expands awareness to the knowledge of our innate wisdom body. It is here transcendence and healing happen because it is already happening. It is a matter of softening through our layers to immerse in the subtlety of bliss. These saturating moments of blissfulness are long enough to transcend the mind into nothingness, long enough to be detached from the limits of mind and personality for the experience of pure awareness.
We may access this subtle dimension of the Spiritual Heart by quieting and calming the mind through meditation and or wakeful sleep (NSDR). I invite you to
The Relaxation Space where you can find an archive of practices available for
Symptoms and expressions of the Spiritual Heart show vibrant, rich color and texture. You might see, hear, speak, and taste more to life. There may be openness (open attention) and spaciousness, and you may experience expressions of flowing generosity, compassion, and unconditional love, reciprocally. Even in the limits of personality in the physical body, there may be unifying with spirit — pure awareness, the state of oneness of all that is.
As we emerge from the Self, we come out from a place of love, vibrancy, peace, and warmth. An inward vision that looks out onto others in the world from the alchemy and attributes of the Spiritual Heart, which is selfless.
I hope you have found this post informative. Please feel welcome to connect with me if you are curious or feel called to inquire more deeply.