Conscious breath is a work of Self intimacy.
Journeying inwards takes courage but you will find support from the breath itself, who breathes into past stories, clearing traumas for transparency and realisation of true self to arise.
Here comes the unwrapping of transmutable gifts from fears, concerns and worries into love, peace, kindness and healthiness.
In a conscious breath session the person is able to shift through a process of release by cultivating and infusing the energy of love. This transformative, heartfelt healing does not begin and end with the individual but goes beyond personality, reconnecting with Self.
Your breath—a process of detoxification and purification—influences the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level
For instance by holding onto our breath unconsciously during and as a reaction to trauma and shock (past, present or future projection) we hold onto the experience itself. The energy of fear gets stuck and ingrains itself deep in the psyche, reinforcing the survival instinct (fright, fight, flight). Fear that gets hold of us becomes a reoccurring, reactive pattern than can’t help its insidious self. Fear also affects stress, pressures and emotional triggers which can deplete the optimum levels of absorption of prana. Over time this can create illness and disease. Nonetheless, fear is a powerful and useful tool once we know how to transcend it positively, becoming fuel for freedom.
We simply return back home finding deep contentment where we recognise the omnipresent self within the linear matrix born out of conditioning, into an all-expanding encompassing Oneness. Here, we journey to the path of consciousness.
Experiencing sensations are eventually something not to become identified with as reality, but rather to help realise we can go beyond any limits of existence as we know it.